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Turning is not necessary, but it does make the ingredients break down much, MUCH faster.

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Q: Is turning over the content of a compost bin is necessary and a quicker process?
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What is compost usefull for?

compost is use full for gardeners and there crops to make them grow quicker.

Does a compost pile help leaves decompose quicker?


Would chemicals or compost grow grass quicker?

If the grass is already in place then a balanced chemical fertiliser would have a quicker effect but if the grass has not been sown then good compost mixed in the topsoil will be a benefit.

Why do gardeners put compost on their garden?

The compost rots down and replenishes the soil's nutrients that growing plants use up. The compost also helps to open up the soil particles, especially useful on heavy clay soils, and encourage worms who will aerate and drain the soil with their burrows.

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they can get energy quicker and the digestion process is quicker

Can you compost whole oranges?

Yes, most definately. Worms are the compost kings. Worms are the gods of the underworld from a scientific point of view. I add worms to all my compost piles. They increase the air flow through the piles and Ive never found an orange peel left behind. All I ever find is worm poop and worm guts. Worms are key to compost orange peels.

The process by which snow or ice change to water?

the process is called melting, and the hotter something cold like ice is the quicker it will milt. Hope this has helped

What does compost do for the world?

Compost decreases the amount of solid waste that goes into landfills. For it's the result of the breakdown of such compostable materials as kitchen scraps other than dairy, greasey and oily, and meat products; and yard wastes such as grass clippings. Compost thereby slows down the speed with which a community runs through one landfill and opens up another. And it decreases the production of greenhouse gasses. For decomposition of materials in landfills takes place anaerobically, without adequate air and oxygen. The consequences are foul smells, and the production of methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Additionally, compost improves plant and soil health. For it results from the breakdown of brown, carbon-rich and green, nitrogen-rich materials. Compost returns these and other nutrients to the soil when it's used as mulch, natural fertilizer, and soil amendments. Its organic content specifically improves soil drainage, fertility and structure. Consequently, soil holds together better, and resistserosion and runoff. And better aggregated and clumped soil encourages better arrangements of air and water pore spaces. Soil consequently is less compacted; and holds water for better infiltration and percolation. Compost enablesplants to have better and quicker access to necessary nutrients and water. And it does so in ways without increasing chemical dependency on yet another artificial, commercial, conventional, synthetic product.

What is a composting agent?

Composting agents are known as "activators." They basically provide a culture of the "good" bacteria necessary to start a compost. All these bacteria are naturally present in the top soil of a garden or a wood by the billions, so there is really no need to purchase any such activator. The best way to get a new compost bin started is to add some compost from the previous bin to the first layer of new material to compost. If you are building a whole large compost heap in just an hour, you will want to add a layer of activator every few inches. Again, this activator will most likely be compost from a mature heap, or plain ground soil. Worms are also a great help for composting. If you have some holes at the bottom of your compost bin, they will find their way naturally. And it will also prevent the bottom of your bin from rotting if there is too much water in it. Some herbs are also known to facilitate a quicker and healthier compost. Just cut some "weeds" or wild flowers close to the ground, stamp on them so they are in contact with the ground, leave them on site for a couple of days so the bacteria from the ground start colonising them, then add them on top of your compost heap. Biodynamic agriculture uses 6 plants or medicinal herbs as composting activator: ● Yarrow - Achillea millefolium (preparation 502) ● German chamomile - Matricaria chamomilla (preparation 503) ● Stinging nettle - Urtica dioïca (preparation 504) ● English oak bark - Quercus robur (preparation 505) ● Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale (preparation 506) ● Valerian- Valeriana officinalis (preparation 507)

When did the milking machine inprove the process?

About 1999. Milking machines make milking a whole lot quicker and easier.

What effects does salinity have on plants?

salinity causes plants to germinate quicker and then die at a much earlier date. apposed to a plant that is surviving onwater with a low content of water.

Does using compost in gardens also encourage the growth of weeds?

Most certainly. Weeds are simply plants in the wrong place - your flowers, shrubs and vegetables are plants in the right place - they could be weeds somewhere else! If you buy commercial compost in bags, the chances are it has been effectively sterilised and shouldn't contain seeds or plants which will germinate (no guarantees, though!). If you make your own compost (this is a good idea) you should be aware of what goes into it because it will often grow the plants you put into it. Lawn clippings will guarantee grass growing amongst your flowers and vegetables for instance, and kitchen waste will produce lots of seedlings from pumpkin, tomato, watermelon, avocado, etc. It's best to make your compost in a bottomless tub so that worms will get into it and break down the organic material. Worms will also add powerful nutrients to the compost. The longer you can leave it before you use it, the fewer unwanted plants will come out of it. I use 2 compost bins, and when one is full, I leave it for several months. Then I remove the bin and leave the pile open for a few weeks. This allows the seeds in it to germinate, and you can chop these plants up before you scatter the compost on your garden. The benefits of using compost far outweigh the problems. Compost feeds the plants, improves the soil with organic material and it also acts as mulch to retain water and protect roots close to the surface. Compost also encourages worms, which are very good for the garden. If your compost smells really bad, the balance of kitchen waste to other organic material (e.g. newspaper, leaves, lawn clippings and mulched twigs and branches) is wrong, or you've included meat or fish scraps. Add lots of the drier organic material, and turn the compost with a fork to mix it up and it should get better. You're aiming for it to just smell 'earthy'. If there aren't any worms in the mix (quite unlikely, in most places), or not very many, you can buy a box of live worms from a garden centre to put in with your compost. Leaves of Comfrey mixed in with compost can also improve the process to make your compost quicker.