Typically, you can substitute one fresh lemongrass stalk with 1-2 teaspoons of dried lemongrass in a jar, depending on your taste preference. Start with a smaller amount and adjust to taste.
I've had lemongrass in Thai dishes. Lemongrass can be found in seafood dishes also, probably to compliment the seafood flavor and as a lemon substitute.
No--lemongrass is an herb.
Lemongrass in Hindi is called "हरिचा" (Haricha).
Soak the ground lemongrass into water for few hours. Strain.
Common names for lemongrass include citronella grass, barbed wire grass, silky heads, and fever grass.
Lemongrass colour is a distinctive pale green/yellow colour like the herb itself.
Lemongrass is known as "गवती चहा" (gavati chaha) in Marathi.
finlely chop up some lemongrass and put it in some boiling water and remove when ready
its lemongrass. . .
Its skin