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Lord, yes! I'm a little fuzzy, tee hee, on details, but here's the general idea. Use cold pack method with short pressure cooking time. I can't remember whether my mom added sugar to the jar. They are already pretty sweet. She laid the halves carefully in a spiral around the one in the center of the bottom of the jar. And don't throw away the skins and seeds. They make great jelly.

We don't see Elberta much in the market because they don't ship as well as the pretty baseballs painted to look like peaches.

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Q: Is the Elberta peach good for canning?
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Is an Elberta peach a hard or soft peach?

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What do elberta peach trees look like in bloom?

Elberta peach trees are one of the latest to ripen. In Utah they are usually picked mid-September. This year (2012) because of the drought mine were ripe over Labor Day weekend.

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Elberta would be Elberta.

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Is there any farm in SC you can buy Elberta peaches?

Perdue mountain fruit farm near Traverlers Rest has them around the end of July. Saunders peach farm in Filbert has them as well.

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The address of the Baldwin Heritage Museum Association Inc is: Po Box 356, Elberta, AL 36530-0356

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