Yes, Emile Ford is still alive. As of 2/2015, he is 77 years old.
No, Harrison Ford is still alive today.
No, he died in 1947.
Dean Ford is still alive. Dean Ford was born Thomas McAleese,on September 5, 1945 in Coatbridge, Scotland.
THE Henry Ford? Who was behind the Ford motor company? No, he died April 7, 1947 (aged 83).
Yes she is currently president of math tech
No, Harrison Ford is still alive as of 2008.No. Harrison Ford is very much alive.
carter, regan,bush, ford, Clinton and Obama
No. Gerald R. Ford died on December 26, 2006 aged 93. He was born on July 14th 1913.
Ford"s wife was/is she is still alive, named Betty, a diminutive of Elizabeth.
She is still alive. She wrote an autobiography Living Like A Runaway in June 2016.