No, cinnamon powder is considered a spice rather than a starch or carbohydrate. One does not typically consume enough cinnamon or any other spice for it to be included in one of the food groups.
No its a spice. Why the hell would it be a carbohydrate?
No, I think there is only cinnamon powder, nothing else.
No cinnamon is not crunchy it is kind of powder.
The name for cinnamon powder in Asante Twi is "tuntum broni nnua."
The Tamil name for cinnamon powder is "இலவங்கப்பட்டை தூள்" (ilavangapattai thool).
The exact answer is dificult to establish given that cinnamon powder is quite fine and light but for the sake of the people out there interested 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder is approximately 1.9 grams and the weight of one tablespoon of cinnamon powder is about 6.25 grams.
word cinnamon in yoruba is called pattai
Ground cinnamon is infact different then cinnamon powder. Ground cinnamon in not and worn down and "soft" as cinnamon powder. if a recipie says to put in ground cinnamon make sure the label says " cinnamon powder " or vice versa.
Coles, its on sale.
Cinnamon Powder can be used for making tea, adding to food for flavor, it can be used for a personal powder for infections, and it helps gas and indigestion.
i didnt know whats the answer