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Q: Is boiling milk sufficient to kill TB germs?
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Related questions

In what food does pasteurization kill germs?

Quite a few but mainly in Milk

Can milk kill hiv aids germs right after you swallow them?

try it

How do they clean cow milk?

First you keep the cows and all milking equipment clean.After milking the collected milk should be pasteurized, which uses high temperatures to kill microorganisms that might still contaminate the milk.

What is the boiling point of sour milk?

Possible to kill the 'bad' bacteria in the milk that may have formed, this will not however reverse the process of the milk being off. Possible to kill the 'bad' bacteria in the milk that may have formed, this will not however reverse the process of the milk being off.

Why you want to cook your food?

food exposed to air and moisture gets spoilt easily . you will find brown green mould on food kept in the open for a long time.this is due to the presence germs in the air.Boiling-have you seen your mother boil milk? boiling kills the germs in the milk can be stored for a long time.

What is pasterurization?

it talks germs out of milk

Can lactate milk cause acne?

yes, because of the germs in the milk...

What could you do to the milk to stop salmonella spreading?

There once was a guy named Louis Pasture. He was a great scientist. He invented a processes to purify milk . It was called pasturization; it uses heat to kill germs and other nasty things in milk. Just pasturize it.

What is Pasteurized homogenized toned milk?

Pasteurized is milk that has been warmed to 72c to make it safe to drink and to kill bacteria. Homogenized milk has been treated to disperse the fat globules. Toned milk is whole milk with skimmed milk powder and water combined.

What was the importance of Louis Pasteur's research into germ theory?

he discovered a process called pasteurization.It showed that heat can kill germs.If we heat milk for half an hour at a certain temperature and then cool it ,the germs in it are killed.It was an important invention.It is safe to drink pasteurized milk as it is free from germs,so it cannot cause any disease.

What is the correct term of boiling milk at auspicious time?

Nekath is the correct term of boiling milk at auspicious time.

Why milk has no definite boiling point?

Milk is a complex mixture containing water, proteins, fats, and other components, which can affect its boiling point. The proteins and fats in milk can increase the boiling point compared to water. Additionally, milk can scorch easily due to the presence of sugars, which can also contribute to a variable boiling point.