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Yes, but it won't taste good.

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Q: Is baking soda and jello and lemon juice edible?
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Why does lemon juice and baking soda have more pressure than vinegar and baking soda?

lemon juice and baking soda. :>

Is baking soda milder than lemon juice?

Lemon juice

Does baking powder react with lemon juice?

Yes, baking powder reacts with lemon juice. It is similar to baking soda and viniegar. Baing soda is a base, and lemon juice is acidic. When mixed, CO2 is created.

Is the mixture of lemon juice and baking soda an acid or base?

depending on the amount you add, i think it will be neutral as lemon juice is an acid and baking soda is a base.

Is lemon juice and baking soda an acid or base?

Lemon juice is acidic while baking soda is basic. When combined, the reaction between the two produces carbon dioxide gas, salt, and water.

What ratio of lemon juice to baking soda makes the best reaction?

The best ratio for a baking soda and lemon juice reaction is 1:1, where equal parts lemon juice and baking soda are used. This ratio creates a fizzing reaction due to the acid-base reaction between the citric acid in lemon juice and the bicarbonate in baking soda. Adjust the ratio based on the desired reaction intensity.

Does baking soda with water have more acid than lemon juice?

No, lemon juice is more acidic than baking soda with water. Lemon juice has a pH of around 2, making it acidic, while baking soda with water has a pH around 8-9, making it basic.

When baking soda is added to a glass of lemon juice?

it fomes

Can lemon juice and baking soda fuel a cork rocket?


What is more reactive with baking soda orange juice or vinegar?

Lemon juice works bestl

What is produced when lemon juice and baking soda are combined?

carbon dioxide

What else works with baking soda like vinegar?

lemon juice