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Q: If you put your food on a baking tray and put it in a got oven why does it get jammed?
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What is a baking tray?

as long there is a bread pan on top of the baking tray, yes bead can be baked on a baking tray

What did the tudors use as a baking tray?

They used a baking tray, not a non stick one obviously it was just a one made out of metal! Or if it was quite big they would stick it in the oven/fire.

Can you cook a roast in a baking tray without a rack?

Yes just be sure that the bottom of the tray is oiled or add a little liquid to the base of the tray to keep the roast from burning and sticking to the pan. If the rack in question is the oven rack then it is a very bad idea to place food or cookware directly on top of the oven element.

What foods are most likely to stick to the tray when they are baked in the oven?

foods that have a high oil content such as chips chicken pastry. use flour or spray can oil or they will stick

What is revolving tray or reel ovens?

an oven with a revolving wheel equipped with suspended trays holding food (as meat or bread) in the process of baking that is adjusted to bake the contents in one revolution of the wheel and is automatically controlled to stop when a tray is level with the loading door

Can a clean tray get dirty if you put it in a hot oven?

If the tray had traces of oil or other food on it, the hot oven may turn these traces dark and it will appear that the tray has become dirty when actually the heat just made dirt already on the tray become visible.

Can you bake in the oven instead of a steamer?

Yes, you can bake in the oven instead of a steamer. You will need an ovenproof dish with a lid and a large baking tray in which to put water in.

Can you use a microwave oven without a glass tray?

No. Otherwise the food well burn.

What exactly does an electric warming tray do?

An electric warming tray keeps food warm after it has been cooked. This helps to avoid the hassle of having to re-heat the food in the oven or microwave.

What does sticks mean in baking?

"sticks" it means that when the baking is done and you take it out, it is stuck to the baking tray and is hard to remove from the tray.

Do you have to lengthen the baking time if you have a full oven?

Sometimes in a full oven you may find that they tray on the bottom of the oven cooks slower than the tray at the top (which cooks at normal speed). If you think this is the case, keep the bottom tray in for the full time, plus however much longer it requires to actually look cooked. However if you have a good oven, you should not need to make any adaptations on cookery time - everything should cook evenly at the temperature required, even if your oven is full.

Why do fairy cakes burn on the bottom of the cases It happens every time. I put them on a cool baking tray when entering the oven.?

The oven is too hot or you leave the cakes in too long. The former is more likely.