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You can use butter or margarine, but there will be a difference in the way your cookies turn out. Butter has a lower melting temperature than shortening. Therefore, cookies make with butter or margarine will be very flat, whereas cookies made with shortening will be thicker and more cakey.

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Q: If cookie recipe calls for shortening but there's none available What is a safe alternative?
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Has the chocolate chip cookie improved?

Whether or not the chocolate chip cookie has improved over the years is a matter of personal opinion. Some bakers think that butter-flavored shortening is an improvement over butter, because shortening gives a better rise to the cookie. Others appreciate the higher quality chocolate chips that are available now. But others feel that the original recipe with real butter and simple chocolate cannot be improved upon.

Is there a good fat-free alternative to the oil or butter used in cookie and cake mixes?

Yes. You can substitute apple sauce in an equal volume for any dessert recipe that requires a fat like butter, margarine, oil, or shortening. It is almost the same and can be very healthy.

What is a healthy recipe of buttermilk biscuits?

You can use any favorite recipe with shortening, you just use 1/4 more than with pure shortening.

Where can one find the Nestle Toll House Cookie recipe?

Nestle Toll House Cookie recipes are available online in several places. One can find the recipe listed at VeryBestBaking, allrecipes and on Nestle's main website. No longer a secret the recipe is out there for anyone to enjoy.

If you change regular shortening with flavored shortening does it change the recipe?

It depends on what you are making

can you use Crisco shortening stick with butter if cookie recipe doesn't call for butter?

Yes. For a detailed discussion, read The Joy of Cooking or Harold McGee's On Food and Cooking.

Can honey and cinnamon be included in cookie recipe?

Yes both honey and cinnamon can be included in cookie recipe.

What can be substituted for shortening in a fruitcake recipe?


How do you make dough for cookies?

There are many kinds of cookies made from dough. You need to get the recipe for the kind of cookie you want, then all the ingredients (shortening, sugar, eggs, baking powder, etc.) listed on the recipe. Then, simply follow the recipe. They can probably be mixed by hand, but an electric mixer will save time and muscle.

Can cookie recipe be patented?

Yes, cookie recipes can be pattened.

Can you use brandy instead of sherry in a cookie recipe?

Yes, you can substitute brandy instead of sherry in a cookie recipe.

What was Grandma Walther's Old Sugar Cookie?

Mrs. Wather's sugar cookie recipe was a recipe for sugar cookies.