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First of all, you have to buy the carob; it comes in powder or chips I believe. I used to bake with carob when my daughter was young but that was so many years ago. I did a quick web search for recipes, there are plenty but read them through because most call for butter. Look for vegetarian or vegan recipes, they should be dairy free. I remember that I had to experiment but many carob treats are delicious. Carob has it's own unique flavor. There should be recipes on the packages, but again, look out for other diary ingredients.

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Q: I would like to know how to make carob chocolate. I have a son that is allergic to milk products.?
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Im Allergic to Chocolate, well the cocoa in chocolate and im lactose intolerant and i can eat white chocolate i checked the ingredients in most white chocolates and they are fine, so go ahead and stuff your face with all the white chocolate you want! :D And in tesco's they also have a 'free from' isle if your still worried and they do lots of things to eat for people with allergies, i get chocolate buttons from there and brownies and everything which is free from! And in tesco's their original brownie has no milk in but im not sure about the cocoa but i dont think they have any of that either its just a tray of brownie you have to cut up yourself! :-)

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What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Carob?

The scientific name would be Ceratonia siliqua.