Why do bees make great bakers? Because they put a little honey in everything they bake.
Your joke regarding "why do pigs make bad bakers" should end by asking the audience if they will enjoy the baked stuff.
Your joke 'why do bees make good bed makers' should end with 'soothing bee stings'.
Here is a bee joke Q: What's a bees favorite novel? A: The Great Gats-bee.
Fish and bees are alike in the sense that they are all obtained by fishing.
because they are cazy
The joke, 'bees like honey-ed toast for breakfast' relates to the fact that since bees produce honey, it must be their favorite as well, and would love it on a toast.
Why do bees make bad singers? Because of the buzzing in all the songs!
by closing its mouth
Where did Noah keep his bees? In archives is the bee joke that you have been asking.
The joke where the punch line is Hoppy bees is about the Bee and the butterfly.
A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay. A swarm of bees in June is worth a silver spoon.