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Q: How much leisure do people really need?
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Why people travel for leisure?

People might travel for leisure so that they can experience life in other cultures. People need to relax every now and then to make life less stressful. Learning about the history of other places is also rewarding.

How can states of economic development be linked to the rate of participation in sport and leisure activities?

As a people become more wealthy, they don't need to work as much to sustain themselves, and can choose to spend more time either to play sports or enjoy leisure. Some people will continue to work more than necessary, so the correlation is imperfect.

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This question really needs to get solved because other people wonder the same question not gust certain people. we really need this answer to be solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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nothing really just give your name out to people

What is at the end of a cap?

The end of a hat is called something that starts with T. This can sometimes fall of? Can someone please find the answer and put it in the comment i so really need to know. The people who have helped me out thank-you ever so much. I really need to know and i need some help. Thank-you again the people who helped me. Best wishes Love.........????? The end of a hat is called something that starts with T. This can sometimes fall of? Can someone please find the answer and put it in the comment i so really need to know. The people who have helped me out thank-you ever so much. I really need to know and i need some help. Thank-you again the people who helped me. Best wishes Love.........?????

Is it important to rest the mind during leisure time or to improve the mind during leisure time?

Improving the mind is not leisure, it is duty. We need down time devoted to pleasure and relaxation, not duty.

Should there be limits on the amount of health care provided?

I believe that some people that have health care really don't need it as much and there are people out there that could use it.

What inspires you to ask questions?

I like to know that people out there are getting answers! Sometimes I need to know something, so I really need an answer! This is so much fun to help!

How much money would you need if you gave 40 million people 1 million dollars eace?

You would need $400,000,000,000,00, but that's a really weird question.

What do predictions really say about 2012?

The Mayans will need a new calender. Some people are reading too much into the calender expiring.

Do cats need to be circumcised?

No. (and people really don't need to be either)

How much weed you need for hashbrowny?

you really don't need much but if you want to get high then you need anywhere from an ounce and up.