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Icing sugar is about 160 grams per cup. So that is about 2 cups.

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Q: How much cup is 320 gm of icing sugar?
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Related questions

How much does icing sugar weigh?

One cup of icing sugar weighs around 125 grams or 4.4 ounces.

How much potassium in 1 cup of icing sugar?

That is about 4 cups.

How many cups is equal to 500grams of icing sugar?

One cup is 250 gm. -So 500 gm is about 2 cups.

Can you substitute icing sugar with powdered sugar?

If u wanted to make icing then icing sugar is better to be used. But if only sugar is available then you must melt it down in a saucepan.. Search it on google for how to do it as I'm not completely sure. I Just use icing sugar

How much glycerin to put in icing sugar?

There are many types of icing and frosting, the amounts of sugar for each vary. Please see the links below for a wide variety of icing recipes, many of them simple to do.

How many tbsp in 50g of icing sugar?

that is about 1/8 cup

How any cups of icing sugar in a pound?

Depends on the size of the cup

How many cups in 90g icing sugar?

'120g of sugar is equal to how many cup

How many cups are in 125gms castor sugar?

Icing sugar and caster sugar are not interchangeable. This is because icing sugar absorbs water whereas caster sugar does not. Switching icing sugar for caster in a baked good recipe will result in a good with a brick-like texture, whereas substituting caster sugar for icing will result in something liquidy and granular.

What is 55 grams of icing sugar in cups?

One official cup is 250gm. So your amount is approximately 1/5 of a cup.

Can you replace caster sugar with icing sugar in baking cookies?

In some cases yes, but not if you're making icing. Icing sugar is far finer grained, and as such caster sugar will not be an adequate replacement in this case. (Your icing will be granular and not set properly). You may be able to if it's a meringue recipe, but you'd be better off finding a recipe that does not use icing sugar to begin with.

How many cups in 180g icing sugar?

Caster sugar is about 190g per cup... I'd say use one whole cup.