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How many pounds of pulled pork in a gallon?

Well, honey, a gallon of pulled pork weighs roughly around 8 pounds. So if you're looking to drown yourself in porky goodness, that's the magic number to aim for. Just make sure you've got plenty of BBQ sauce on standby!

How do you get rid of to much pepper in pulled pork?

Add more pulled pork.

How much pulled pork for 20-25 people?

Each person will eat about 1/4 pound of pulled pork. So, for 200 people, you would need approximately 50 pounds.

How much pork should you get to make pulled pork for 20 - 25 people?

I would use 10 pounds. Of course some will eat more, but many would eat less.

How much pork do you need for pulled pork sandwiches to feed 25people?

The typical serving size for a pulled pork sandwich is between 3oz. and 4oz. per person. And, with 16oz. in a pound, you can figure that you'll get between 4-5 sandwiches per pound of pulled pork.

How much pork should you get to make pulled pork for 20 - 25 people -?

4 shoulders

How much feed is needed to produce a hundred pounds of pork?

It requires 629 pounds of feed to produce a hundred pounds of pork

How much does the average pork shoulder weigh in pounds?

The pork loin is cut between the leg and shoulder of the pig. An average size of a pork loin with the bone is 14-18 pounds.

How much sauce for 15 pounds of pasta?

about 7 pounds of sauce. about 1/2 lb of sauce per 1 lb pasta

How much does salt pork lb. cost?

a billion pounds

One gallon of soy sauce is how much pound?

One gallon of soy sauce weighs approximately 8.35 pounds.

How much does a pallet of Sauce weigh?

The weight of a pallet of sauce can vary depending on the type of sauce, packaging, and quantity. On average, a pallet of sauce may weigh around 1,500 to 2,000 pounds.