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The consistency of a cloth that is submerged and then wrung out is how moist materials should be in the compost pile. The feel, look and smell will be similar to that of soil that never is allowed to dry out and that is moist enough to leave a sprinkling of speckles when a hand or probe grazes or is inserted in soil.

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Q: How moist should materials be in the compost pile?
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How moist should the material be that is being put into the compost pile?

as wet as a sponge wrung out

How do you make the compost pile hot?

Add water to the pile to keep it moist and turn the pile often.

Where does the energy in a compost pile come from?

Carbon is the source of energy in a compost pile. Compost piles need to have brown and green materials, which are respectively carbon- and nitrogen-rich. Green materials provide the pile's decomposition-friendly micro-organisms with proteins.

What are the 5 materials necessary for a successful compost pile?

Five materials necessary for a successful compost pile are bokashi, earthworms, manure, natural soil and unpackaged food.

How much water do you put in the compost pile?

You need to put in just enough water so that the compost pile has the consistency of a wrung out sponge. The moisture level needs to favor the growth and working of beneficial, decomposer microorganisms. Too moist a pile encourages rampant fungal problems, and too dry won't allow the compostable materials to break down properly.

What is the difference between compost pile and compost pit?

A compost pile is compost in a pile or heap. a compost pit is compost in a pit or hole in the ground.

Should you allow rain into compost bin?

Rain will not hurt a compost pile, unless it floods. In order for a compost pile to decompose and form compost, it is necessary to keep it from drying out. Rain will assist you in this activity.

What is an organic way to keep flies away from a compost pile?

AnswerIf there are flies in a compost pile, there's an inbalance between carbon and nitrogen in the pile. There are a couple of ways to keep flies away from your compost pile... First of all try not to add meat, fish, or dairy products to your pile. Concentrated nitrogen sources like these and attract flies, as well as rats. If you do add them, chop them up, and bury them in the middle of the pile. Cover them with existing compost, dry leaves, straw, and/or sawdust. Fruit or vegetable matter should also be chopped and buried in the middle of the pile.This makes it hard for flies to reach the high-nitrogen materials to lay their eggs. Increasing the amount of "brown", high-carbon materials gives bacteria the upper hand in the pile. They'll break the scraps down before they can attact flies.If you can you should shred your compost materials before adding to the pile to about two inch pieces. This will speed up decomposition and increase the temperature of the pile. High temperatures kill existing fly larva.Rotating and aerating your pile can also help get rid of maggots since they can not survive in the center of a compost pile because of the heat.

Should you put milk in the compost pile?

No, milk should not be put in the compost pile.Specifically, the drink can be grouped with dairy products. Dairy products emit unpleasant odors as they decompose. The liquid and the smell may attract wildlife to the compost pile.

What is needed to start a compost heap?

Equipment, location, materials, and time are what is needed to start a compost heap. The equipment includes an irrigator for keeping the materials moist, a rake to keep the layers aerated, and a thermometer to keep the pile at proper temperatures. Materials range from carbon- and nitrogen-rich materials from outdoor yard work to non-greasy, non-lactose, non-oily household crumbs, leftovers, and scraps.

What is the difference between a compost heap and a compost pit?

A compost heap is a pile of composting material that is in a pile on the ground. A compost pit is dug into the ground and the composting material is placed in it.

What are compost bins made of?

The outer structure can be made of anything. Most people just start a pile of compost in an area they can easily reach. Any organic materials can be added to a compost heap.