.125 fluid oz. equals how many tablespoons
25 oz of water is approximately 50 tablespoons
There are approximately 4.74 tablespoons in 2.37 oz.
That is 2.1 tablespoons
That is approximately 1,410 tablespoons
How many tablespoons of peanut butter will equal 3 oz of meat
4 oz vanilla extract is approximately 8 tablespoons.
1 fluid ounce equals 2 tablespoons. fluid oz's are a measure of volume not weight. mANY CONVERSION CHARTS ON THE NET. TOOK ME 5 SECONDS TO FIND YOUR AWNSER.
That is approximately 1,410 tablespoons
4 tablespoons
That is 3.5 tablespoons.
That is 4.422 tablespoons.