150 mL equates to about 5.072 US fluid ounces.
108 mL = 3.65 US fluid ounces.
0.03381 fluid ounces equal a mL (milliliter).
150 mL equates to approximately 5.07 fluid ounces.
50 mL is approximately equal to 1.69 fluid ounces.
450 ml is equal to approximately 15.2 ounces.
Approximately 12 ounces equal 355 ml.
1500 ml = 50.7210341 US fluid ounces Kaywin DavisSpringfield IL50.72 US fluid ounces
2,838 ml = 96 fluid ounces
There are approximately 6.1 ounces in 180 ml.
32 US fluid ounces is about 946.35 mL.
375 ml is equal to approximately 12.68 ounces.