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Q: How many nutrients are lost when whole grains are refined into white flour?
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Does healthy food have nutrients that junk food does not?

Of course healthy food has more nutrients. Unrefined foods, such as vegetables, legumes, fruits, and whole grains, have fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that are often missing from refined or "junk" foods like white flour, white sugar, and butter.

Is refined flour gluten free?

The answer is absolutely yes. Refined white flour not only lacks nutrients, but the refinement process also removes all fiber from the grain which allows white flour to be metabolized very quickly. The metabolized carbohydrates from white flour have quite a drastic affected on a person's glycemic response, which in turn does several things. It lowers immune system response, creates inflammation in the body, and disrupts digestion. Consumption of refined grains (particularly white wheat flour) have been found to be linked to many so called "diseases of civilization" such as diabetes, obesity, autism, schizophrenia, depression, chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease (arthritis, acne, chrones disease, roseacea, etc), irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diahearra, and the list goes on. But don't just take my word for it, do your own research.

Where does white bread came from?

White bread is made from refined flour.

What food is refind?

A refined food is a food that has had so much processing done to it that some of it's original nutrients have been lost. For example, wheat is ground into wholemeal flour, which can then be refined into white flour. Here, the germ and fibre are 'lost', diminishing nutrient content.

What are some unhealthy nutrients?

Unhealthy nutrients are anything artificial, refined, or processed. These include but are not limited to trans fats, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, iodized salt, white flour, anything you cannot pronounce easily, and aspartame. Some would also consider gluten and grains in general to be considered unhealthy, however this is debatable.

What does the refinement of whole grains transform whole-wheat flour into?

white flour

Which is worse white flour or enriched flour?

White flour. Enriched flour has had some nutrients added to it, while white flour has been ground and bleached.

What are some whole-grain foods?

Whole grains contain the whole grain kernel (made up of the bran, germ, and angiosperm) instead of having these nutrients stripped off. For example, brown rice is whole grain, and white rice is refined. They are the same type of rice, but white rice has had the outer layers, along with all the nutrients, scraped off. Some examples of whole grains are brown rice, wholewheat flour, Bulgar, oatmeal, and whole cornmeal. Also, anything that has "whole wheat" or "whole grain" on the label.

What nutrients are missing from commercially grown food?

There is no general answer to this question. Some foods are heavily refined, which removes nutrients from them. Some examples are flours, breads made from refined flour, white sugar, white rice, etc. Other foods may have been grown in soil which does not contain all the nutrients and macro-nutrients, so those foods would be lacking in nutrients. It really depends on how much processing has been done on the food, whether high heat has been used on it, the soil it was grown in, etc.

What is the difference between wheat flour and white flour What does it mean for flour to be enriched What does it mean for a flour to be refined?

Whole wheat flour is just that, wheat that is ground into flour with nothing removed. White flour is just the middle part of the wheat kernel without the bran or wheat germ. Enriched flour has vitamins added to it to make up for the bran and wheat germ. Refined could mean any of these other than whole wheat.

What nutrients are added to white flour when it is fortified?

Iron and Calcium

Should people restrict carbohydrates in their diet?

Over the last century or so, some people have portrayed carbohydrates as the cause of weight gain, and have promoted low-carbohydrate diets for weight loss. It's true that refined carbohydrates, such as white flour, white rice, white pasta, and added sugar are stripped of fiber and vital nutrients, and promote diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. However, most low-carbohydrate diets replace these refined foods with meat, dairy, and eggs, which are also devoid of fiber and low in micro-nutrients. People would be wise to restrict refined carbohydrates, but eat plenty of green vegetables and legumes, and sensible portions of starchy vegetables and whole grains.