About 19 1/3 fluid ounces, or 19.3572858 Imperial fluid ounces to be precise. 550ml is a unit of volume, Ounces are an old-fashioned unit of weight (mass). You cannot compare volume to mass, they are two different things.
550 ml is equal to 0.55 liters.
0.455 litres = 455 ml
1 litre = 1000 millilitres so 0.55 litres = 0.55*1000 = 550 millilitres. Simple!
how many cups is in 1500ml how many cups is in 1500ml how many cups is in 1500ml
how many cups are in 456 g
56 cups
6 cups are in 6 cups - -
There is 12 cups in 12 cups
How many cups are in 13 pints? there is 26 cups
9 cups are in 9 cups.