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Cooked chicken is usually good for 3 to 5 days but always do a smell test just to make sure. Your nose is equipped to often detect odors that will keep you from eating something that has gone gad. Always remember,,When in doubt...Throw it out!

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Q: How long till cooked chicken is bad?
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You cooked some chicken it smells bad after cooking it what do you do?

What do you do? You throw it away! Bad chicken is bad news!

What are some signs that cooked chicken is bad?


What does a chicken look like at molding?

if the chicken is in the freezer it can usually last a long time. but if you leave it out four just a couple of hours it can start to get bad! it also depends on if it is cooked or not!

If you thaw out chicken and once thawed place in fridge how long until it goes bad?

Rapid thaw methods should only be used if the chicken is going to be cooked immediately after thawing. By not thawing it in the refrigerator, you have temperature-abused the chicken. There is no way to know how much more quickly the chicken will go bad.

Can you feed your dog left over chicken?

Yes, as long as it has been cooked and has not gone bad. Do not give your dog the bones, though. They could become lodged in the throat.

Why is it important to check if your food is cooked propely?

because if its raw eggs or chicken it could make you sick. and if the food is not cooked properly it might taste bad.

What will happen if you eat slightly cooked chicken?

Under cooked chicken could give you food poisoning. Chicken is often a carrier of a bacteria called salmonella the salmonella is killed once the chicken is cooked through. But under cooking the meat will leave the bacteria alive which may cause serious food poisoning which usually occurs within 24 hours of eating it. So don't eat it. also, if it smells cooked and it isn't, it,s probably a bad chicken.

How long does it take for tiny dog to digest several cooked chicken bones?

3 minutes NO. Never, ever let you little dog get hold of chicken bones. The bones can splinter and cause intestinal perforation.

Can you serve chicken raw?

No you cant, its also a bad idea because you should cook the chicken before and it needs to be well cooked because the heat kills the bacteria in the chicken, not like the meat that has the bacteria only around the meat. The chicken instead has the bacteria inside and outside so it has to be well cooked. source: Biologiy lessons

What happens if your dog eats cooked chicken bones?

People say dogs often choke cooked chicken bones because they splinter (raw chicken bones are no better. Which can lead to the ripping of their gut and sometimes the throat. I recommend to not feed chicken bones to dogs.

Can you cook chicken after it as been frozen after been cooked?

1. it depends!2. when you kill an animal such as a chicken, they have to be frozen or eaten less than two hours because if not you will be eating bad meat or the chicken will give you a bad stomach etc.SO... HERE IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION; YOU CAN KEEP IT UP TO 1 WEEK! IF YOU KEEP IT MORE THAN 1 WEEK ITS OK BUT NOT AT LEAST 2 WEEKS OR 1 WEEK AND 4 DAYS!~HOPE THIS HELPED! :)

How do you know cooked ham is bad?

The way to know if cooked ham is bad is by how long it has been in the fridge or freezer. In the fridge, cooked ham can last 7 to 10 days. In the freezer, it will last 6 to 8 months. Cooked ham that is bad will also develop a bad smell and may appear slimy to the touch.