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Normally homemade shortbread will keep for up to three months in an airtight container. It also freezes well, should you wish to keep it for longer than three months.

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Where does shortbread originate from?

There are at least two reasons shortbread is called shortbread. One is shortbread requires a lot of shortening to make and the other is the term short refers to the texture of the final product.

How long will shortbread cookie dough be safe in the refrigerator?

23 seconds

How long can you freeze shortbread?

if packaged properly up to 6 months.

Shortbread what country is it from?

Shortbread is from Scotland.

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When was Walkers Shortbread created?

Walkers Shortbread was created in 1898.

Is shortbread a kind of bread or a cake?

shortbread is a kind of bread

What country does shortbread come from?

Shortbread originates from the United Kingdom, specifically Scotland.

How many calories in a shortbread cookie?

There are about 142 calories in one shortbread cookie. However, this number may vary depending on the size of the shortbread cookie.

Are shortbread cookies from Scotland?

Yes, shortbread cookies are traditionally associated with Scotland. They are a buttery and crumbly type of cookie that has its origins in Scottish baking.

Is shortbread part of a Scottish breakfast?

No. Shortbread is a sweet tasting biscuit that isn't usually eaten with breakfast

Why does shortbread cause a bitter taste in mouth?

Shortbread may cause a bitter taste in the mouth if it is overcooked or burnt. When sugars in the shortbread caramelize at high temperatures, they can develop a bitter taste. Using high-quality ingredients and baking the shortbread at the correct temperature can help avoid this issue.