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Q: How long does it take to cook chicken in the xpress redi set go mini cooker?
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You should cook a rotisserie chicken for about an hour. You may need to cook the chicken longer if it is frozen.

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You can cook just about any kind of food in any sort of cookware as long as you have the experience. You can google for a lot of results on what is best cooked in a pressure cooker.

How long do you cook chicken?

25 min

How long do you cook diced chicken for in a slow cooker?

You should temp it and make sure it's 165 or higher

How long should I cook a 8 pound pork roast in a slow cooker for pulled pork sandwichs?

"if its whole it will take a real long time in slow cooker, id say all day and all night. Depending on your cooker. Mine would take that long on high." and I'm guessing...just're not too good of a cook, eh?

How can you tell that chicken gizzards are done?

Chicken gizzards don't take long to cook. You can cook chicken gizzards in about 15 minutes when you are deep frying them.