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Q: How long do you cook a tri tip on a George Forman?
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How long do you cook a 2.5 pound tri-tip roast in the oven and at what temperature?

I would cook it an hour at 375.

Who found Vancouver island?

We don't know who reached the tip of Vancouver Island first, but James Cook and George Vancouver were the first to circumnavigate the island and do a hydrographic survey.

Is it possible to cook noodles without a stove or grill?

Yes , just boil the jug + tip the hot water on your noodles and let the noodles cook on there own it doesnt take long only like 3minutes

How long do you cook Tri Tip Beef on a rotisserie?

Generally it depends upon a few factors: The size of the Tri Tip and the temperature you are cooking it at and what style of burner you are using. I have done a tri tip on a roteisserie using an infared burner which keeps the temperature at aroung 450 degrees. A typical Tri Tip takes me anywhere from 45 mins to an hour possibly a little longer if you are basting it as you go. They generally turn out very well and make sure you let it rest before cutting it. Hope this helps

What is the length of Nova Scotia in miles from tip to tip?

It is 506 miles long from end to end.

How long does it take for my application to TIP to be accepted?

It could take anything within minutes to hours. It depends when the TIP staff are available. It will take longer over weekends as the TIP staff are generally not online for long.

Was George a good farmer?

ya.... George was a very good farmer... tip:-because when something is done on someone's control that thing will be done exellently....

How long can longhorn's horns grow?

Horn length can often be 6 feet or more from tip to tip.

How long does it take to drive from the northern tip of Israel to Eilat at its southern tip?

About eight hours by car.

How long can a longhorns horn grow?

Horn length can often be 6 feet or more from tip to tip.

Is cook or chef deserving to have tip which is giving by people after having food in restaurants?

Yes, if you wish to thank for there excellent food or service.

How long from tip to tip is a Spitfires two blade prop?

Only the first 77 Spitfires had a 2 blade wooden propeller. This was about 8.5 ft tip to tip. All later models had 3,4, 5 or 6 blade propellers of about 9 feet tip to tip.