Preheat your oven to 160°C (325°F) and use these cooking times to prepare a roast that's moist, tender and delicious.Your roast should be covered with foil for the first half of the roasting time.
4 to 5lb Joint 20 minutes per pound in weight plus 20 minutes extra. 80 minutes total.
Tips for a better roast. For extra flavour you can add optional vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, onions and celery to your roasting pan, and roast the meat 'on a bed' of veg. The veg also helps to keep the roast off the bottom of the roasting pan so it doesn't 'stew' in its own juices.
10 minutes
I use the rule of 11 min per lb, it seems to work best for me. Jim
4 hours
A 6lb boneless pork loin roast should cook in a crock pot on high for 3-4 hours. A pork loin roast in the oven should cook for about 2 hours on 350 degrees.
69 minutes at 420 *F.
i did this myself last christmas.after several attempts, i found that the perfect amount of time was about 6 hours.mmm. delcious.My 1.89 lb pork roast just completely cooked on high in 1.5 hrs......
Cook time on 6.5 rib roast
Can I pot boil my roast before I put it on the grill
how long do i cook two 2 pound roast on the stove top
fletcher was here 2009 may 6th
cooking time for 6lb roast in oven
Depending on the type of meat 20/30 mins per pound + 30mins. Id cook a 4.23 lb roast for about 2 hours 30 minutes at 180 F, as I like my meat well done.If cooking Pork make sure its not 'bloody'.