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Resistors helped the people who invented the toaster by allowing them to control current in the appliances

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Q: How is resistance useful in a toaster?
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A toaster draws 8 A of current with a voltage of 120 V?

The voltage is the main power of a toaster!! but if the current flow is low the heat of the toaster is less heat that you expect, the 8 A is right for your toaster!!!

Does a toaster produce electromagnetic energy?

Yes, a toaster does produce electromagnetic energy in the form of heat to toast bread. When the toaster is turned on, the heating elements inside the toaster generate heat through electrical resistance, which is a form of electromagnetic energy.

When is resistance desirable?

resistance is useful when a plane is flying in the air, air resistance. it is also useful when a boat is floating on water, water resistance.

What is the resistance of a toaster if 120 V produces a current of 4.2 A?

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How do you apply Ohm's law to a toaster?

The wires in a toaster are composed of a metal that heats up when you pass a current through the wires. The voltage, current and resistance for the toaster obey Ohm's Law (Voltage = Current x Resistance). When the wires heat up this heat causes the bread to toast. The toast is not part of the circuit and is not involved in Ohm's Law.

How many amperes will the toaster draw if it has a resistance of 24 ohms?

It depends on how many volts it has.

What type of heat transfer does a toaster use?

A toaster uses radiation heat transfer to heat up and toast the bread. The heating elements inside the toaster generate heat through electrical resistance, which is then transferred to the bread through radiation.

How does a toaster convert electrical energy into other forms?

A toaster converts electrical energy into heat and radiant energy. The electrical energy powers the heating elements inside the toaster, which then produce heat through electrical resistance. The heat generated toasts the bread or other food items placed inside the toaster.

What energy conversion takes place when a toaster is a News?

In a toaster, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy through the heating elements in the toaster. The electrical current flows through the resistance wires of the heating elements, generating heat to toast the bread.

What is the purpose of a toaster?

a sandwich toaster is useful for making different healthy and delicious fillings, whereas the electric toaster just toasts.

Why are resistance materials used in toasters?

Because the main purpose of a toaster is to radiate heat. In order to generate heat from electric current, resistance is required in the circuit.

Which energy conversion takes place when a toaster is switched on?

Electrical energy is converted into thermal energy when a toaster is switched on. The electrical current passes through a resistive material in the toaster, which heats up due to its resistance and produces the heat needed to toast bread.