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Greatly! that is what it is all about. Location, location, location.

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Q: How does the location of cuts on the carcass affect tenderness?
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What are the side effects of prednazone?

extreme tenderness of skin on arms. cuts and bruises easily

Who is responsible for cutting the carcass into primal and retail cuts for distribution?

A butcher or meat processor is responsible for cutting the carcass into primal and retail cuts for distribution. They have the skills and tools needed to properly break down the carcass into smaller, more manageable cuts for sale to consumers or restaurants.

What is 10000 Metric Ton CWE?

Carcass-Weight Equivalent (CWE) is the weight of meat cuts and meat products converted to an equivalent weight of a dressed carcass. Includes bone, fat, tendons, ligaments, and inedible trimmings (whereas product weight may or may not).

Can i hide my cuts?

Hiding cuts depends on the length, depth and location of the cuts. Wearing clothing to cover the cuts as well as a make up concealer are both good options.

Why t-bone steak good for dinner?

Because it has a relatively high fat content that results in tenderness and better flavor than leaner cuts.

What is a meat block test?

a meat block test is where u do a costing of the different meat cuts that comes from the carcass and that way u can determain ur cost of the cuts and also calculate ur selling price in order not to undercharge or overcharge ur clients

What part of the cow is ground beef?

Hamburger is not from a designated area of the cow, it usually is the cutoffs from making the prime, select or choice cuts (such as steaks and roasts) and any left over meat from the carcass.

What part of the cow do hamburgers come from?

Hamburger is not from a designated area of the cow, it usually is the cutoffs from making the prime, select or choice cuts (such as steaks and roasts) and any left over meat from the carcass.

How does velocity affect a stream of water?

It cuts a wider, shallow channel .

When a hairdresser cuts your hair and shes on her period does it affect your hair?

No it doesn't.

Can Nigerian dwarf goats be eaten?

Certainly. They will produce proportionately smaller cuts of meat compared to a full size goat, but the meat quality (flavor, color, tenderness, etc.) will be comparable.

When a girl on her period cuts your hair does that affect it?

Nope not at all, it doesn't affect it. It's probably just a myth ...