add hot sauce and sugar it works every time
Acid pickling means pickle the acid.
Certain varieties of cucumbers have been bred specifically for use in pickling. By using these varieties, the home pickling enthusiast will end up with a crisper and more flavorful result. If growing cucumbers at home, be sure to select seeds that are labeled as "pickling" or "good for pickling" on the seed packet. Good choices for pickling cucumbers include: Pioneer, National Pickling, Saladin, Bush Pickling Liberty Hybrid, Ballerina, Boston Pickling, and Eureka Hybrid.
Pickling lime used to be an accepted method of adding crispness to pickled cucumbers. The USDA no longer recommends use of pickling lime. Pickling lime is alkaline and must all be washed off of the cucumbers or it can result in a less acidic pickling solution. It the pickling solution is not acidic enough it can allow botulism an environment in which to grow. Botulism cases have been linked to this situation and this is the reason it is no longer recommended.
Microorganisms are not a good thing when it comes to pickling. Generally you want to kill off microorganisms when pickling.
Because the acid in the pickling liquor reacts with the aluminum and spoils the pickles.
The addition of vinegar and the processing times are different for pickling than for canning. Canning cooks the vegetables thoroughly whereas pickling is done from the veggie's raw state.
Idle pickling size depends on the jar you are using for pickling. My grandmother (surely a pickling expert; she survived the Great Depression) says that for the best tasting results, they should be between 5 inches and 12 inches. Anything larger dilutes the flavor of herbs in the brine.
I'm not sure, but if you get a scale, and measure the weight f a pickling cucumber, I bet it will give you the answer