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There is no 'one difference,' but many small differences in the types of grains, meats vegetables, fruits and nuts used.

Alpine Italian cuisine is similar to Austro-Hungarian cooking in its use of potatoes, pork and cabbage.

North central Italy is famous for risotto and other rice dishes, as well as wonderful cheeses and dairy products due to large scale cattle ranching.

Central Italian cuisine is famous for its pasta and wild boar.

The coastal areas are famous for their fish, seafood and mild climates.

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14y ago

The differences between Northern Italian cuisine vs. that of the south is quite like night and day. The south is much more reliant on Olive oil as their premiere source of fat, vs. the north which primarily uses butter and cream. One might find food in the north to be much heavier than in the south, which is more light, much more Mediterranean in character. I'm kind of at a loss for further detail because I have never traveled Italy, nor have heavily studied the world of Italian culinary cuisine.

The over-arching take away point one should realize about Italian cooking (or the food of any nation for that matter--with some exceptions) is that food tends to be very regional. In Italy for example, its not quite as simple as dividing the north from the south in terms of regional cuisine. Food varies greatly by principality (Lazio vs. Apulia, or Lombaria vs. Tuscany). Even down to the levels of village and town. For the vast majority of history, what we now recognize as the nation of Italy was really once just a collection of scores of principalities. Its only really been a nation for 150 years. I have no doubt that if you asked an Italian what their national identity was, they would answer for example (before I am an Italian, I am a Sicilian first, or I'm from Lazio, or Emiglia Romagna.) Food follows the same trajectory. In the end, you cant really define Italian food, its far too diverse, and any attempt to do so would be so ill defined as to not merit description.

The response I gave is not exactly a direct response to your question, but it sheds lots of truth that might help with the answer. Cheers!

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13y ago

Nothern cuisine is typically based on fat rich foods - like pasta but also meat, while the southern one consists mainly of fish and seafood. Pizza was invented in the South, in Neaples.

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Q: How does Northern Italian cuisine differ from Southern Italian cuisine?
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