Example sentences using the word fattening:
Adjective:(of a food) Causing an increase in the weight of someone who eats it. The chocolate cake was incredibly fattening; she undid her entire diet with one slice.
The word 'fattening' is a gerund (a verbal noun); the present participle of the verb to 'fatten' that can function as a noun in a sentence. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.Examples:This feed is effective for fattening the ducks. (noun, object of the preposition 'for')The stray is fattening nicely at the shelter. (verb)Their menu is full of fattening foods. (adjective)
no, peanut is not fattening
Yes, it is fattening.
NO. They can be fattening in fried form.
Use a broth with limited fat and you're alright.
use nonfat yogurt and fresh fruits
yes ham is very fattening
All alcohol is fattening!
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_some_frequently_asked_nutrition_questions with calories can be fattening.
yes it is all things are fattening in a sense
yes that is the most fattening part of a chicken.