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In a television interview the politician tended to dissemble rather than to answer questions truthfully.

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Q: How do you use dissemble in a sentence?
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What sentence in The Tell-Tale Heart has the word dissemble?

The last sentence.

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How do you use dissemble as a verb in a sentence?

She tried to dissemble her true feelings by putting on a smile and pretending everything was fine.

How do you use dissembling?

we are so used to dissembling with others that in time we come to deceive and dissemble with ourselves

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What is the definition of dissemble?

to undo or to take apart.

What is the meaning for dissemble?

It means to tell a lie.

What rhymes with assembly?

I believe the word "dissembled" would rhyme. "Dissemble" means: "to put on a false appearance : conceal facts, intentions, or feelings under some pretense."

A word for hiding the truth?

Deception, falsify

Who is the dissembler in surah 35?

The dissemble is satan

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