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de jingibre molido

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Q: How do you translate 'ground ginger' into Spanish?
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Is ground ginger the same as root ginger?

probably. my guess is that ginger root is the whole thing, and ground ginger would be chopped up/finely ground ginger root.

Is finely chopped crystallized ginger the same as ground ginger?

No. Ground ginger is simply ginger, dried and ground, as the name suggests. Crystallized ginger is ginger that has been preserved through cooking and blending with syrup and sugar.

How many calories in Ground Ginger?

there are 5000 caleries in ground ginger

How do you say ginger in Spanish?

Ginger in Spanish is called "jengibre."

How do you say gingerbread man in spanish?

It would translate best to Spanish as bread of ginger house and a man of ginger bread and look like this 'pan de jengibre casa' and 'hombre de pan de jengibre'.

Can you replace chopped ginger with ground ginger?

My recipe calls for fresh, chopped ginger, Can I use ground ginger & in what proportion. The recipe calls for 2 tsp. fresh chopped ginger?

Can you use ground ginger in place of ginger root?

My recipe calls for fresh, chopped ginger, Can I use ground ginger & in what proportion. The recipe calls for 2 tsp. fresh chopped ginger?

How you make a sentence using the word translate?

I can translate the document from English to Spanish.

What part of plant does ginger come from?

Ground Ginger comes from the ground lol it comes from plants!!!!!!!

How much fresh ginger in 1 cup?

About 1% is raw ginger root. Nearer to 2% in ground ginger

What does the name Ginger translate into in the Cherokee nation?

Luke Kline

Can you leave ginger out of ginger bread?

No, because then it would not be gingerbread.