Sofrito was created in Spain. The first time that it was mentioned was in a cookbook from 1324. The book was called Libre de Sent Sovi.
Sofrito in the Spanish language is a word used to describe a type of sauce base used in cooking. Most hotels in Spain with restaurants would probably serve this sauce.
Mojito (a drink) Burrito that's neato Sofrito
Evette Rodriguez goes by Evy, and Sofrito.
Yes. It is a dish consisting of rice, peas, sofrito, and diced ham.
Say what in English?
Legumbres Refritos es una repuesta no buena! Podemos decir - sofreír o el nombre sofrito "mi abuela china cocinó sofrito" o "se sofríe los vegetales en un poco de aceite en un wok" 'My Chinese grandmother cooked stirfry' or 'the veges are stirfried in a little oil in a wok' Una otra palabra es saltear - que traduce en inglés como "sautée"
You can say "Do you speak English?" in English. In French, you would say "Parlez-vous anglais?" In Spanish, you would say "¿Hablas inglés?"
Say it in English please. Say it in English please. Say it in English please.
There is no french paella. Paella is a dish made with rice and the traditional spanish sofrito. Neither of these can be found in France.
You say "hello" in English.