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Be very carefull that is a highly flameable substance!! My neighbors dryer caught fire from clothing that had varnish on it. Sorry that doesnt help just wanted you to be safe!!

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Q: How do you remove varnish smell from a clothes drier?
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To remove the smell of bromine from clothes, you can soak the clothes in a mixture of water and vinegar, then wash them with laundry detergent. Another method is to soak the clothes in baking soda and water before washing them. Additionally, you can hang the clothes outside to air out and naturally dissipate the smell.

How do you remove the smell of gasoline from your clothes?

Spray VaporRemed on clothes to remove odor first before machine wash.

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It takes several washings.

What gets nail varnish out of clothes?

To remove nail varnish from clothes, you can try using a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover and dabbing at the stain. Make sure to test the remover on a small inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn't damage the fabric. You can also try using a mixture of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide to pretreat the stain before washing the garment.

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The smell of weed can linger on clothes for 1-2 days, depending on factors like how much exposure there was and the fabric of the clothing. Washing the clothes can help remove the smell more effectively.

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The smell of marijuana can linger on clothes for a few hours to a few days, depending on factors like how concentrated the smell is, how long the clothes were exposed, and if they were washed or aired out. Washing the clothes with soap and water can help to remove the smell more effectively.

What takes gasoline smell out of clothes?

To remove gasoline smell from clothes, you can try washing them with white vinegar, baking soda, or a mixture of both. Let the clothes soak in the solution for a few hours before washing as usual. Additionally, hanging the clothes outside to air out can also help reduce the smell.

What problems would we look for a car sitting for more than a year?

Gasoline that has turned to varnish in the system. Smell the gas tank filler. Varnish or fresh gas smell. Varnish smell - remove the gas and put at leat five gals back in. Remove spark plugs and spray wd40 and let sit an hour. Oil black or clear. Black - change oil and filter. Add 1/2qt of transmission fluid to oil. Absoutely do not race the engine if it cranks up. Only give it enought gas to keep it running. if you get it running just let it idle for an hour.

How do you get transmission fluid smell out of clothes?

The best way to get the transmission fluid smell out of your clothes is to wash them in something that cuts through grease. Many mechanics use Oxy-clean to remove these types of stains.

Why don't dogs like nail varnish?

Because its a strong smell!?:)

How do you remove bleach smell from clothes?

To remove bleach smell from clothes, try soaking them in a mixture of water and vinegar for at least 30 minutes before washing them with detergent. Alternatively, you can try washing them with a cup of baking soda added to the wash cycle. Hang the clothes to dry in fresh air to help eliminate any lingering smell.

How do you get the smell of mineral oil out of clothes?

To remove the smell of mineral oil from clothes, try soaking the clothes in a mixture of vinegar and water before laundering them. Then wash the clothes with a strong detergent. You may need to repeat this process a few times for stubborn smells.