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I don't know why gin stains vinyl tile, but we've found that Magic Eraser does the job of removing it. However, it leaves a dull spot, so you need to apply some floor wax after removing the stain.

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Q: How do you remove a gin stain from tile floor?
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How do you remove the smell of gin from clothing?

Just wash them. Omly spiced rum will linger. Use a stain-remover additive or detergeant booster for that putrid stuff.

What is the machine that remove seed from cotton?

cotton gin

Which component of Gin's method is the negative stain?

The negative stain in Gin's method is used to visualize the external structures of the bacterial cell by staining the background with a contrasting color, leaving the cells unstained. This technique helps to highlight the morphology and arrangement of bacterial cells.

What is the machine remove seeds from cotton?

cotton gin

What was the impact of the cotton gin?

To remove seeds from cotton leafs

Was it true that cotton gin was a great invention for food production?

No. It was created to remove cotton seed from the cotton. To remove the seeds without the gin meant hours of work picking them out by hand. With the cotton gin pounds of cotton could be processed and more grown.

How did the cotton gin make cotton more profitable?

With a cotton gin, you remove the cotton seeds and it is easier to make it into cotton fabric.

What was the name of the machine invented by Eli Whitney that remove seeds from cotton?

The Cottin Gin.

How did the cotton gin affect the demand for slaves?

It made it easier for slaves to remove seeds from cotton.

What was an unintended negetive effect on the cotton gin?

The growth of slavery was a negative effect of the cotton gin. Because the gin could remove the seeds from the cotton boll more cotton was grown. Therefore more slaves were needed. As the amount of cotton grew so did the need for slaves.

Why were inventions like the cotton gin successful?

it takes out the seeds from the cotton The way they used to do it before the cotton gin was pick them out with their hands and cotton is a prickly plant so they would bleed, the cotton gin saved time and blood

Why eil Whitney invent cotton gin?

Because he thought there should be an easier way to remove seeds from cotton.