Yes. There are meat loaf cupcakes for example.
make cupcake
Some words made from "cupcakes are fun":cupcakecakesfuncupscuspcapecapescreakcreekcreekscrackcrackspureupcarcarscareceasearescarscarescarcepackpacksscarsscaresparkparksfacefacesfearfearsfarefares
Try your best :)
No they didn't have cupcakes but they did have chocolate to make chocolate cake well now that I think about it I guess there were cupcakes then because they can make cakes and chocolate and they had cups I think there cupcakes looked funny there I answered you question like why did you ask this question anyway did you have a report on it or something?
Mother creates great cupcakes.
I would expect to make them with a quickbread recipe.
about 45 cupcakes.