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Well you can use a bendy roller that you can buy at a local hair product store. You need a hair rubber band, hair clips (at least four) a small mirror (you willl have to look in a mirror then use the small mirror to look at your bun to see if the roller is covered completely )and a scronchy( just in case you might not have enough hair in the back and the front of the bun). That is my method I created D.Christian. Or you can do the sock method If you have dark hair use a black sock if you have light hair use a white sock . Cut the bottom of the sock and roll it up . Mor information at YouTube ! Type in sock bun.

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11y ago

Okay this is like the other question how do you make buns like the hot buncommercialbut this time with long hair. I will make this very simple. Okay you will need ...1. a large bendy roller( they sell these at any hair product store)

2. a small mirror.

3. four hair clips( I recommend using black ones because other colors won't make it look as good because of past experience).

4. a hair rubber band.

5. one nice scrunchy( You don't have to use but it would be helpful if you have a hair malfunction).

6. Some hair spray( or spray bottle with water in it either one is fine)

Step 1: put your hair into a neat ponytail.

Step 2: place the roller at the end of your ponytail and roll upwards until youcompletelyrolled all your hair up.

Step 3:Bend the roller into a circle

Step 4:Pull your hair gently until you completely covered the roller.

Step 5:Add the hair clips where the roller is showing if you are just a tad bit short on hair.

Step :6 Spray your hair with hair spray for that model bun effect.

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Q: How do you make buns like the hot bun commercial if you have long hair?
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