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Q: How do you get rid of the salty taste in boxed stuffing?
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Too much salt in guacamole any way to get rid of it?

The only way is to add more alvacado. Ive tried other ways, but there is no way to get rid of the salty taste.

How do you get rid of a salty taste?

First you must sanitize your hands by placing them into a pot of boiling water. Once this is done, you must dunk the brisket in toilet water. This will neutralize the salty taste. Real funny. this is a serious question not meant for answers like that.

Salty taste after wisdom tooth extraction?

Typically, the bad taste in your mouth after a tooth extraction is just blood. In order to get rid of the taste, gargle with some salt water and spit. Repeat the process until the taste disappears.

Why do you have a salty taste in your mouth all the time?

Sometimes medications can cause this. Eating salty things like ham, bacon, chips drenched in salt can stick to your tongue (taste buds are there) and the roof of your mouth. This also means that you are dehydrated and you need to drink your 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water per day and more if eating salty foods or exercising. When you feel thirsty you are ALREADY dehydrated! When brushing your teeth use a SOFT TOOTH BRUSH and gently cleanse the roof of your mouth and tongue as well as your teeth and gums. BE GENTLE! This will help keep the bacteria down and also get rid of the salty taste. If after doing the above and you still have a salty taste in your mouth then see your doctor for blood workup.

How do you get rid of the bitter taste in broccoli rabe?

In order to get the bitter taste out of broccoli rabe, you must first boil it. The trick is to first blanch it in plenty of salty water to tame its bitterness and coax out its sweet side.

In Poptropica big nate island how do you get rid of the segul?

use the lobster that you can get after completing cap'n salty's quest

What are some uses of cinnamon?

to get rid of the bad taste in spoiled make food taste better

How do you get rid of the taste from a stink bug?

you don't eat it in the start :|

How do you get rid of the taste and smell of moth balls?

You would get ride of the taste and smell of moth balls in the same way that you would do it for anything else. Some people do different things, but usually eating anything else with a strong flavor should get rid of the taste, and just use your preferred scent to get rid of the smell.

What does it mean to mortify a taste for vintages?

Get rid of a person's love for wine :)

How do you Get Rid of the Stringent Taste in the tablets?

Was it down with water or crush it in the water before you take it so it doesn't taste as bad.

How do you get rid of the red raw looking color inside of cooked stuffed cabbage?

boil the meat before stuffing the cabbage, cook the rolls slower.