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Catnip essential oil is extracted by stem distillation from the flowering tips of the plant.

It is a pale yellow color with a pungent odor.

It is used to treat chills, joint pain, muscular pain, colic, flatulence, insomnia and stress related conditions.

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Probably by steam distillation.

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Q: How do you extract oil from leaves?
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There is no answer to this question. "Extract" is, well, extracted from the leaves using a solvent, and since leaves vary in size and essential oil content, and extracts vary in the relative proportions of essential oil to solvent, there's no possible way to give a single answer.

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To extract atis leaf, you can crush or grind the leaves using a mortar and pestle. Then, you can soak the crushed leaves in a solvent like alcohol or water to extract the desired components. Finally, filter the mixture to separate the extract from the plant material.

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What is the difference between mint oil and mint extract?

Mint oil is typically extracted from mint leaves through a process like steam distillation, resulting in a highly concentrated form of mint flavor. Mint extract, on the other hand, is made by combining mint oil with alcohol, which serves as a carrier to disperse the flavor. Mint oil is usually more potent than mint extract in flavor intensity.

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to extract the oil out of the ground

Which works better for mice peppermint extract or oil?

It appears that peppermint oil, not peppermint extract, works better to get rid of mice. This is because the extract contains more alcohol than peppermint oil, so it will not be as strong as the oil itself.