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Why in the world would you want to do this thing to your phone and to your friends, for God's sake?

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Q: How do you download rigtones off frosted
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How do you clean a frosted glass door?

If you have frosted/etched shower doors, don't EVER use CLR on them. It leaves white thick streaks that are not coming off with cleaner.

How do you download mininova?

You don't download it, you download off it what you have to do is download utorrent and then you can download off mininova.

What is the difference between sandblasted glass and frosted glass?

Sandblasted glass is created by physically blasting the surface of the glass with abrasive materials to create a frosted appearance, while frosted glass is achieved by etching the surface of the glass with chemicals or acids. Sandblasted glass typically has a more textured finish compared to the smoother finish of frosted glass.

How do you download pictures off of Google?

all you do is download pictures off google(:

Will light scatter or reflect off of a frosted glass wondow?

Light will scatter off of a frosted glass window instead of reflecting like it would on a clear glass surface. The frosting creates a rough surface that causes the light to be diffused in multiple directions rather than bouncing back in a single direction.

Where can you download missionmaker?

You can download it off google by typing it in

How do you download a song into the computer?

download it off the Internet

Can you download songs off youtube to your computer or ipod?

Yeah, you can download videos off youtube and watch or use sites to download song.

How do you download Call of Duty 2 off LimeWire?

I don't think you can download games off of Limewire.

Would download shut off on shut down?

only if you download while shut off is in operation

Can you download movies from frostwire?

Yes, you can download movies off of Frostwire but they seriously don't have many.

What are the best websites to download music off?

Don't download off websites, that's illegal. If you want to download music legally, download frostwire or limewire. If you want to know the website, google it.