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Terraced fields are used on mountainous landscapes to reduce erosion and surface runoff,

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Q: How do you define terraced farming?
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What farming technique is especially useful in mountainous regions?

Terraced Farming

What farming technique is especially useful in Michigan?

Terraced farming

Who invented terraced farming?


What are the main forms of farming in japan?

Fields , paddies, and terraced-farming.

Who invented terraced farming and when was it invented?

by the chinese.

Where terraced farming?

Terraced farming is commonly used in mountainous regions around the world, such as in the Philippines, China, Peru, and Nepal. It allows for cultivation on steep slopes by creating flat areas with retaining walls to prevent soil erosion and maximize land use for agriculture.

Why do cities form around hills and ridges?

to use a form of farming, called terraced farming you farm around hills or slopes.

Define conventional farming?

opposite of organic farming

How were the chavin and waris influeneces on the Inca different?

The Inca were influenced by the Chavín's religion and the Wari's terraced farming.

The Inca lived in a very mountainous landscape. They were able to grow crops by using a special kind of farming in which they created flat pieces of land on the side of the mountains. This type of farming is called?

Terrace farming.

Why do farmers practice terraced farming?

Farmers practice terraced farming to prevent soil erosion on hilly slopes by reducing water runoff and promoting water retention. Terraces help to manage water flow, allowing for better irrigation and preventing loss of topsoil. Additionally, terraced farming creates better growing conditions for crops by providing flat land for planting.

What technology helped the Inca to farm in the mountains?

They used terraced farming effective and creative their steps were neat and made of stone