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Cake recipes only need adjusting for high altitude, not for low altitude.

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Q: How do you bake cakes at a low altitude?
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How many cakes will 6 eggs bake?

it can bake 2-6 cakes depending upon the recipe.

It takes 50eggs to bake 90 cakes how many eggs will it take to bake 400 cakes?

222 eggs.

What cakes have a colourful inside?

Rainbow cakes! They're not the easiest of cakes to bake but they are still quite colourful! :DRed velvet cakes are a really rich red, but again, they are quite a challenge to bake!:D

What is used to bake cakes?

An oven.

How do you bake cakes?

By baking them - isn't it obvious!

How do you say 'I used to help my mother bake cakes' in Spanish?

Yo ayudaba mi mama cocer pastel. I used to help my mom to bake cakes.

Baking times of different size cakes?

Smaller cakes take a shorter time to bake than Larger cakes. If the mixture is thinner it also takes a longer time to bake than a thicker mixture.

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Be a girl and bake.

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How many cakes did Paul Revere bake?

okaaaaayHe was a silver smith in Boston so he didnt bake any cakes at allEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well maybe he baked a couple but it was just for fun.