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What do you mean by plan cake? Do you mean plain cake? If so, cook at 350 for 50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Before putting in over, lift the pan about 2 inches off the counter and let it fall back down, and pop any air bubbles that you see. Grease the pan with shortening before pouring the batter in the pan also, or line the pan with waxed paper first.

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Q: How do you bake a plan cake in oven and in what temperature for how long?
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What temperature do you bake a sheet cake?

300F convection, 350F normal oven

How long will a cake take to be baked in an oven?

Around 1 hour or 45 minutes for a cake to bake

What do you do if a cake is cooking only at the top?

If a cake is cooking only on the top, it may be that the oven is set on "broil" instead of on "bake," or that the bottom element of the oven may be broken. Another possibility is that the cake simply has not baked long enough to be "done" throughout. If the oven is set at too high a temperature, the top of the cake might scorch before the interior is baked. The oven temperature should be tested with an oven thermometer to determine whether the temperature setting is accurate.

How long does it take to bake food?

depends on what you are trying to bake and what temperature the oven is set to

Can I use walnut oil to bake a cake?

Using an oven is best recommended to bake a cake

How do you bake cake in heavy aluminum bundt cake pan?

All you have to do is pour the cake batter into the cake pan and cook it in the oven according to the time and temperature that the recipe specifies.

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Can you bake cake without oven?

IN the prasser cooker.

Can you bake a cake in a glass pan?

Yes, cake may be baked in a glass pan. The oven temperature should be reduced by 25 degrees for even cooking.

When baking a cake at 325degree in a gas oven vs electric oven should be set at what degree?

Gas ovens and electric ovens should both be set at 325 degrees in order to bake a cake at 325 degrees. The type of oven used does not effect the temperature at which a cake is baked.

I want to bake 3 cakes continuously If so do you need to preheat the oven every time?

no just keep the oven temp at the required temperature for the cake(s) you are baking