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Should be a setting on the control panel or inside the refrigerator itself.

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Q: How do i make my chefmate mini fridge colder?
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How do you change your chefmate mini fridge temperature?

turn the dial inside the fridge (top center of back wall) 7 is the coldest setting.

Your chefmate mini fridge has quit cooling Light works but not cooling any ideas?

Low on refrigerant or your compressor thermostat or start comparator might be bad. e-mail me a detailed list of the operation my e-mail is

How long does it take for a chefmate mini fridge to get cold?

I have the 1.7 cubic foot cooler. what i did was i took off the back and on the left side were plugs where you plug the power units in. well on the side of each they say like fan 3 fan 4 and fan five, it comes when you buy it on fan 3 but by moving it to five it got colder really fast dont know how long the unit will last now, but it is colder now. hope this hepls

Mini Fridge?

form_title= Mini Fridge form_header= Purchase a mini fridge for your needs. Do you want the fridge to include a small freezer?*= () Yes () No Do you want an energy efficient fridge?*= () Yes () No What color do you want the fridge?*= _ [40]

Do you have to have a base for a mini-fridge?


Will I be allowed to have a mini fridge at college?

You'll almost always be allowed to have a mini fridge in a dorm. However, they might have issues with what you stock it with.

Is the Haier mini refrigerator consider to be an energy saving appliance?

A mini fridge will save money over using a full size fridge.

What price counts as cheap for a mini fridge?

Free would count as a cheap for a mini fridge. However, in seriousness, a cheap mini fridge could be brought for the price of one hundred dollars. You will not find any cheaper than this.

Does the mini-fridge require a standard electrical outlet?

This Kitchen Aid mini fridge is rated as an energy saving device and does require a standard electrical outlet.

How big is a 16L mini fridge?

sixteen liters

Is there a way to disconnect the freezer in a chef mate mini fridge?

No. The freezer is what cools the entire fridge. Cut the freon line and the fridge is toast.

Why is mini storage so useful?

Mini storage is useful because you can store temperature specific items in smaller spaces. For instance, if John's fridge was full and he wanted to buy more refridgerated items, he would put these items in his mini fridge.