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Q: How did people make there rations last longer?
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What did people do to make there clothes last longer in world war 2?

Make do and mend.

Why did anne and the others had to cut back on their food rations?

Anne Frank and the others had to cut back on their food rations because they were in hiding during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, and food was scarce. By rationing their food supply, they were able to make it last longer and survive in hiding without drawing attention to their location.

How do you make bubbles last longer?

If you have stronger soap, your bubbles will last longer.

Could condoms make you last longer?

It has a chance of making you last longer in life terms depending if the other person has stds or not. if so then it does make you last longer.

Can having a cold make your period last longer and heavier?

Yes it can last longer

How can you make a digital camera's batteries last longer?

If you want any batteries to last longer then put the batteries in your fridge and that helps them to last longer!!

How do you make potions last longer in minecraft?

To make potions last longer, you add redstone to them.

How can you make your leadership last?

Making your leadership last matters on how much you influence now. The more influence the longer people will live on your leadership legacy

Why Egyptians mummified people?

Because they wanted there Pharaohs to be preserved. If you mummify somebody it will make there bodies last longer

What is in milk to make it last longer?

Milk is pasteurized which reduces the microbial load. That makes it last longer.

How do you make your dreams last longer?

sleep longer or try to stay asleep longer

How do French people make their meal last longer?

i think they just have more courses and less food for each course