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There were many forms of transportation available by the 1930s. Henry Ford had revolutionized transportation in the early 20th century with the invention of the automobile. Many people owned automobiles and driving became a popular way to get from place to place (and still is). There were still horse drawn carriages at the time though as well. Public transportation such as trams and street trolleys also became available during this time period. Trains were the main source of transportation across long distances. Diesel engines began to replace steam engines in the 1920s because they were much more powerful and by the 1940s, diesel engines had completely replaced the use of steam powered engines. Ocean liners were the only way to travel from North America to Europe and were also very popular. Airplanes were another new form of travel in those days, but flying was very expensive, and transatlantic flights did not become available until the mid to late 1930s.

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i think the people in 1930s probably have worked in manufacturing field.. also may be in small corner shops, may be as bakers etc