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Same as today, with ovens and stoves. The exception being microwave ovens which were invented later.

Note: the electric stove was first introduced in 1893. The microwave oven in 1947.

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Pretty much the same as they eat now.

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Q: How did people cook their food 100 years ago?
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100 years ago

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A bucket of lava in a furnace can smelt/cook 100 items, so it can cook just over a full stack and a half of food. That's compared to coal, which cooks 8 per piece.

9.65 pounds into cooking hours?

It will take 100 years to cook 9.5 lbs.

What was the food like 100 years ago?

it looked like FOOD

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It is very rare but there are people who live until 100 years.

Why do you need to cook some foods longer in the mountains?

Because water boils lower than 100°C on a mountain, can you cook the food the water has already started to evaporate leaving food partially cooked or raw.

What were the different ways to cook 100 years ago?

Using a spit is a way of cooking not normally used.

How much food quantities for 100?

How much food you need for 100 people will depend on the type of food. You will need 50 pounds of boneless chicken for 100 people. 35 pounds of potatoes. Four 25 pound turkeys will feed 100 people. 35 pounds of ground beef will make enough meatballs for 100 people.

Where did you get food 100 years ago?

You went out in the forest and hunted it .