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This depends on which vegetable you are talking about, and you tastes, but I think all vegetables can be steamed. Broccolii, cauliflower, and asparegus (just to name a few) are very good steamed and served with a little butter. Green beans, corn, and peas are good heated (not boiled) on the stove. I've prepared fresh green beans (as apposed to canned) in chicken broth and it was very good, in my opinion. With fresh vegetables, you may have to add salt and/or other seasonings, dependng on your preferences. Some vegetables are good to just eat without any preparation (aside from a good rinsing). Fresh carrots are great with ranch dressing. I prefer baby carrots for this, but again, your preference. Fresh potatoes are actually really good sprinkled with a little salt. If you are just trying to use up a bunch of extra veggies you have laying around, a soup or stew is a great way to go. Meatloaf is also good, but not reccomended to vegetarians. (*laughs*) I hope this helps you. :)

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13y ago

They can be boiled, steamed, deep fried, stir fried, braised, sauteed, grilled, or served raw. I prefer mine steamed, grilled or raw. Raw vegetables are the most healthy. The cooking process causes some nutrient loss, especially boiling.

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Q: How can vegetables be prepared?
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You can make a wonderfully prepared meal by making steamed vegetables (an assortment of lots of colorful vegetables like broccoli and eggplant and tomatoes).

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Cabbage can be boiled or stir-fryed. It is not greatly different from preparing most other vegetables.

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You can freeze dishes that have been prepared and cooked, or dishes that have been prepared and are ready to cook. You can also freeze most meats, vegetables and fruits. Cheese freezes well, as does breads, cakes, and cookies.

Can you have a balanced diet without eating fruits and vegetables?

No; that would be a very unbalanced diet. Even if you swallow commercially-prepared fiber from a drugstore, you're actually consuming something made from fruits and/or vegetables.

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Keep raw meat away from raw vegetables and prepared foods. After cutting raw meat, wash the cutting board with detergent before using it for vegetables.

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Pulp is preseved fruit or vegetables solids after extraction of juice puree is soft substance that flow like liquid but become solid on haeting prepared by mash of cooked fruits and vegetables waseem s

What vegetables can I use in a vegetable steamer?

Any vegetable can be prepared in a vegetable steamer, there are just some that will respond better. Typically vegetables such as broccoli or asparagus are served steamed. A vegetable like a carrot, while it can be steamed, may not soften as nicely as broccoli.