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Yogurt with active cultures at least once a day to keep your intestinal flora level up.

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Q: Foods to eat while on antibioctics?
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broccoli, strawberries, blueberries

What are foods to eat and not?

Foods to eat are natural foods. Foods not to eat are junk food and less healthier foods.

What type of foods am I expected to eat while on a yoga body diet?

You will be eating a lot of healthy low-fat foods while on a yoga body diet. You will also cut calories.

What are some of the best diet foods to eat when dieting?

Some of the best diet foods to eat while dieting are vegetables and fruit. Especially those that are low in calories but high in fiber. Celery, squash, are some good foods to look at.

Why is food cooked and not eaten raw?

There are tons of foods you can eat raw (example: fruits, veggies, fish). But some foods will make you sick if you eat them raw, because of bacterias (from a little vomit-sick to hospital-sick), while some foods just taste horrible while raw (example: potatoes),

Is pizza one of the best foods to eat while pregnant?

Yes you can. If you develop different likes and dislikes while pregnant some foods may taste bad to you that you usually enjoy, but hot foods aren't dangerous for pregnant women.

Why it is not advisable to eat while watching television?

When you eat while watching television, you tend to eat more than you would otherwise, and can gain too much weight. Plus you may eat more snack type foods while watching television, which isn't healthy for you.