No, actually it doesn't -- the reverse is true. For whatever reason, salt and other seasonings are less pronounced in cold food. So if you are seasoning food to taste when its hot or warm, and it will eventually be served cold, you need to keep in mind to add additional seasoning because it will be eaten cold.
this is because it is salty in taste and add salty flavor in our food and makes the food flavorsome
Salt is added to foods as a preservative or to improve the taste.
Salt is added to improve the taste of foods.
Salt improve the taste of foods. Also salt is a preservative.
Adding salt the taste of foods is improved.
Almost all food has salt in it.
To make food taste nice
to make it taste better.
Salt is used to preserve food along with adding taste.
When your cold and having one also your body is taking IN the salt more than the flavor When you can not breathe, clogged up are some pores and body is trying so hard to maintain its function. The tongue is full of holes and buds that seem to go bland and you taste just the salt or chicken broth that you need so badly. The hotter the food like soup and more of gets you the greater recovery and with speed. The mucus is the bad and needs to come out and broken down. It is the bad and the body saying no more in a way.
- Salt is a preservative for foods. - Salt add taste and flavor to foods.