LOL- Laugh Out Loud ROFL- Rolling On Floor Laughing
Nothing Basically LOL- Laugh out Loud ROFL- Rolling on the Floor Laughing
lots of laughs, laugh out loud, lots of love.
ROFL rolling on floor laughing. LOL laugh out loud
it is a mixture of rofl (roll on floor laughing) and lol (laugh out loud)
question is not clear, but LOL is laugh out loud, rofl is roll on floor laughing, and hahaha is just Hahaha XDD
i have no clue, lol (that means laugh out loud for your information) rofl xoxo
Rofl(rolling on floor laughing), lol(laugh out loud)gtg(got to go) ttyl(talk to you later)lmbo(laugh my butt off)
"Lawl" is an informal variant of "lol," meaning "laugh out loud." It is often used in online communications to express amusement or to acknowledge humor in a conversation.
Laugh out loud alot, laugh out loud again, laugh out loud always
ROFL:Roll on floor laughing. Lol: Laugh out loud. Lmao: Laugh my a** off Gtg or G2g:Got to go Brb:Be right back Idc:I don't care idgaf: I don't give a f*** Idk:I don't know Hbu: How about u.
Lol stands for "laugh out loud". its a web code used to describe the typer as to "lauging out loud". Other similar web codes are Rofl, "Rolling on floor laughing", LOLZ is the same thing as LOL, just with a useless Z.